RJ Eskow over at Big Brass Blog member Night Light has an open letter to the BBBlogs that have pushed the Downing Street Minutes to the media’s attention:
This coalition has done a terrific job getting the neglected Downing Street memo story some serious attention. Now here’s a thought about how to get some more, and keep the story going: We know that this is about politics, but that’s not all. It’s also a crime story.
A crime calls for an investigation. It’s time for “CSI: DC” to dust the place for fingerprints. Crime is glamor. Crime gets viewers, sells papers. Crime is bad, and people are fascinated by the bad. Want more media attention? I say, call it a crime story. And how else to investigate it than by asking the questions a crime reporter would ask: who, what, when, where, and why?
You gotta go read it.