I hope everyone is having a wonderful start-of-summer weekend. The weather in Portland is great, partly cloudy, about 68°F. Maybe warmer when the sun breaks through.
Mom and Dad have driven up for the weekend in the big blue Cadillac, so I won’t have much time to make any posts. If you’re having a good weekend too, you won’t have much time for internet surfing anyway. Dad & I browsed the Apple Music stores downtown (there’s three — electric, percussion, and acoustic.) They have a very nice seven-string bass down there. It’s as big as a fencepost. It’s just a ridiculous, unnecessary, unwieldy gluttony of strings. Yes, of course I want it! That, or the maple six-string. Or the Tacoma four-string acoustic. Sigh I need about five-grand to blow.
Mom & Iva went to the City Liquidators and spent money on furniture and stuff. They had fun, and Dad & I were glad we weren’t there. So glad that we ate lunch at the Beaverton Hooters (a good place to avoid the police). The waitress, Shauntae, was born when I was graduating high school. Her french-tipped fingernails were very pretty, she wore a little too much makeup, and there’s a couple other things about her I was going to mention, but I can’t remember just now…
Tonight we drive up Highway 30 to meet up with Asha & Peter up at their scenic estate, the Ponderasha. We’ll visit a bit and then it’s off to Astoria to meet up with Karri. She’s doing the 10:00PM-Midnight show on KMUN 91.9 FM (North Coast, 89.5 FM South Coast) tonight. If you’re near the northwest Oregon Coast, listen in; I’ll be sitting in with Karri spinning the tunes while Mom, Dad, & Iva hang out.
Tomorrow… the Zoo (Dad loves the critters.)