The American Street – Not Crazy, But Not Exactly Sane
I’ve always maintained that religiosity is a mental disorder. I’m not talking about spirituality, man’s quest to understand his inner meaning and relationship with other humans and the universe, that’s perfectly natural. I mean crazed dogmatic my-God’s-bigger-than-your-God religious fervor. Most people are afflicted with this mental disorder, and in most people it is as benign occasional depression or superficial vanity. But in a special few, the Fred Phelpses, the Donald Wildmons, the Pat Robertsons, the George W. Bushes of the world, it is a psychosis as socially dangerous as (and not entirely different than) paranoid schizophrenia or sociopathy.
For a fabulous example of that which I speak, take a short walk down The American Street to read the tale of Michael Marcavage. And then wash your hands before you come back to my blog!