I really didn’t expect many trick or treaters. My wife and I were too busy working and volunteering with MoveOn, ACT, John Kerry, the DNC, and me writing columns and posting to liberal blogs. Halloween didn’t feel right. We didn’t decorate, carve pumpkins, or get costumed. These last four years and this ensuing election have been nightmare enough.
Then of course there’s our deluge of political yard signs, window signs, and bumper stickers declaring us as the default way-motivated liberal wackos on the block. In the spirit of holiday, I did remove my “Why do you HATE Mary Cheney?” sign, the one directly taunting the “Yes on 36” house across the street. I replaced that with “Vote Democratic”.
We did get two rings at the doorbell in a neighborhood just loaded with kids. I’m not surprised or upset that parents may have been shepherding their kids past the commie pinko house. I’m thinking a lot less about giving kids chocolates than giving them healthcare. OK, I was a little upset. I love seeing the cute kids in their costumes.
However, our second ring at the doorbell was well worth it. It was a little boy and girl. He was a Ninja and she was a Care Bear, but I recognized them as the kids of the lesbian couple who live down the block. After the obligatory “trick-or-treat” and me dispensing the candy, the little girl looked up and said “We like your signs!”, and then ran back to her mommies.
I just got paid for all that volunteer work.
“Radical” Russ — 311 EV, 52% PV, 50/50 Senate…