I liked one interview where Michael Moore says he made “Fahrenheit 9/11” to help save the Democrats from themselves. Notice how Kerry now uses the “I won’t sit in a classroom for 7 seconds while America is under attack” line. But he didn’t use it before F9/11, before $117M domestic box-office, before Michael Moore focus-tested the idea that you could call the president incompetent.
The more I think of Kerry on Comedy Central, the lower I move the grade. I’m degrading from B- to C+. You’ve got to start swinging for the fences, Kerry. This election needs to be much farther from close; close provides plausible deniability for fishy election results. I’m going to start writing his sound-bites for him:
“George Bush doesn’t want to talk about what he was doing 25 to 35 years ago and neither do I. Let’s talk about the last four years and the next four years.”
“President Bush wants to paint me as a ‘flip-flopper’ and himself as ‘resolute’. But when you’re wrong, ‘resolve’ is ‘stubborn’. Of course, the president can’t remember when he’s made a mistake.”
“Ask your friends and neighbors how well the economy is doing. Ask them how the war on terror is going. Ask them about their health care coverage. George Bush and I can throw all sorts of confusing statistics at you, or you can just go out and see it with your own eyes and feel it in your hearts.”
“America has been fighting a war on terror under George Bush for almost four years now. Then why is it we are so afraid like never before? Shouldn’t we be safer by now? They’re taking your nail clippers at the airport but they’re not scanning the cargo? Our first responders are dangerously underfunded, our chemical plants are not secure, our intelligence agents are outed. Is this what we call steady leadership in a war on terror?”
“How is it that 3,000 Americans lost their lives on September 11th and no one in government lost their job over it? Well, I plan to see at least one government employee get his notice on November 2nd.”
“Radical” Russ — again, probably a good thing I’m not a Kerry PR advisor…
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