This last Saturday I volunteered for an event sponsored by and I was one of 600 volunteers who canvassed door-to-door in Portland helping people register to vote.
The highlight of the day for me was getting to see and hear one of my favorite authors/activists, former California gubernatorial candidate Arianna Huffington. She gave a rousing speech about getting out the vote, and how Kerry’s best chance in November is not to play the “swing vote” strategy, trying to get the votes of the 2%-3% of people who haven’t made up their minds, but rather to play to the 50% of eligible voters who don’t bother to vote anymore.
I agree.
It was an interesting day. I’ve never been on that side of the door. I knocked on 67 doors in the span of 90 minutes. I didn’t sign up one new voter. I was disappointed in that, but my wife Iva got two new voters. Most the people I met were already registered, so I guess that’s a good thing. But I was alarmed at those I met who hadn’t registered and didn’t care. In almost every case, they were the people that most needed to vote: the young, poor, and disabled. Hmm, I wonder why that segment of the population always gets screwed by the politicians?
Arianna’s best line? “I’m Greek. We gave you democracy… and you’ve screwed it all up!”
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