Walt Disney Company is barring its film division, Miramax, from releasing Michael Moore’s documentary about 9/11 called “Fahrenheit 911”. It seems that Michael Eisner is afraid it will piss off George W. Bush (and it will, because it shows the TRUTH about 9/11), which in turn will piss off his brother Jeb Bush, who is the governor of Florida, who then in turn will repeal special tax credits that Disney’s theme parks receive in Florida.
Fire off your email, phone calls, and faxes today to the following:
The Walt Disney Company
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521-9722
Phone: 818-560-1000
Fax: 818-560-1930
Email: Use this page at SaveDisney.com, but change the subject and the body of the message. I’d suggest “Allow Miramax to distribute Fahrenheit 911” as a Subject.
Here’s what my letter looked like:
Mr. Michael D. Eisner
Chief Executive Officer
The Walt Disney Company
500 Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521-0752Mr. Eisner:
Your refusal to allow Harvey Weinstein and Miramax to distribute Michael Moore’s new documentary, “Fahrenheit 911”, is inexcusable! This is the most blatant example of corporate/government cronyism and free speech censorship I have ever seen!
As I understand it, you will not allow the movie to be distributed because you fear alienating President Bush, whose brother Jeb is governor of Florida, and you fear Governor Bush will put your precious Florida state tax breaks in jeopardy.
I cannot believe your are so beholden to the bottom line that you would allow right-wing intimidation to move you to an act of such censorship. Walt Disney would be ashamed, Mr. Eisner.
I am emailing a copy of this letter to all my friends and family, asking them to write you, to boycott Disney theme parks and movies, to boycott Miramax films, and to boycott the ABC Television network. True patriots know that especially in a time of war, we must stand up for our American principles, the most sacred of which is the right to free speech and to petition our government for a redress of grievances.
The rest of the world, starting with the film festival in Cannes, France, will be allowed to see this movie. Don’t withhold it from the very public who most need to see the truth in this film.
Russ Belville
Portland, Oregon
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