Judge Moore in Alabama is trying to defend a five-ton statue of the Ten Commandments that he has ensrhined in the lobby of the State Supreme Court. There are three things that crack me up.
1) 70% of the Ten Commandments have nothing to do with American or Southern or Alabama law. You can have other Gods than Yahweh, curse, work on Sunday, covet thy neighbor’s ass, worship a graven image, or dishonor your mother and father. Some states do prohibit adultery – I don’t know if Alabama is one of them, however.
2) The 30% of the commandments that are enshrined in law — do not kill, steal, or lie (in court) — pre-date the commandments by a few thousand years in the Code of Hammurabi, and are also found in many other religious texts.
3) Chaining yourself to a five-ton carving of a religious text sounds an awful lot like worshipping a graven image. The hypocrisy, of course, is lost on the throngs of Jesus Freaks that are protesting in the Alabama Supreme Court.
“Radical” Russ — Fundamentalist Christians today are acting a lot like the whites of the early sixties… Both realize there’s a cultural shift coming that will render their assumed majority and privilege a thing of the past, and they will be forced by law to realize they are different from — not superior to — everyone else…