Senator Barbara Boxer made her rounds on the talk shows. She was on Wolf Blitzer’s show, and Mr. Beard-a-riffic asked her about her confrontation with Kindasleezzy when Dr. Rice accused the senator of “impugning her integrity”: – Transcripts: BLITZER: Senator Boxer, were you accusing her of deliberately lying to the American people in the buildup to the war?
BOXER: I gave Dr. Rice many opportunities to address specific issues. I had the quotes on the boards there, and I showed her what she said.
For example, she said the aluminum tubes that were being sought by Saddam Hussein could only be used — could only be used — for nuclear weapons. And it is very clear that that wasn’t so, and she should have known that at the time.
And she refused to answer it. Instead, she said I was impugning her integrity.
You know, it’s a very good debating technique. I mean, I’ve been in this debating business for a while now. And when you really don’t know what to say about a specific, you just attack the person who is asking the questions.
Oh, snap! As Randi Rhodes has been saying, Boxer never called her a liar, she just pulled out the quotes from Rice that prove she’s a liar. And when proven a liar, all Rice could do is attack Boxer, and Boxer just deflected the attack and demanded she answer the questions. Please, please let the other 44 Democratic senators emulate Barbara Boxer at least once each in the next four years!