You gotta love the priorities of our Red State brethren. While our students nationally rank far below most of the industrialized world in the educational categories of reading, writing, math, science, geography, health, fitness, art, music, and so on, these people are all up in arms about a silly school-spirit day:
HOUSTON – Camouflage was in and cross-dressing was out at a rural East Texas school district Wednesday after a Christian legal group complained that a long-standing school tradition of reversing social roles for a day would promote homosexuality.
…But Delana Davies, who has two children in the Spurger school, complained this year that the tradition could promote homosexuality and got the Liberty Legal Institute, a right-wing Christian legal group, to take up the cause.
“It might be fun today to dress up like a little girl — kids think it’s cute and things like that. And you start playing around with it and, like drugs, you do a little here and there [and] eventually it gets you,” Davies told reporters.
“It is outrageous that a school in a small town in east Texas would encourage their 4-year-olds to be cross-dressers,” institute litigation director Hiram Sasser said.
Nevermind the fact that these people are confusing transvestitism with homosexuality — most cross-dressers are straight and most gays don’t cross-dress. It’s that fear that gayness is like drug addiction and cross-dressing is a “gateway drug” that cracks me up. And the ultimate joke lies in the replacement for their school spirit day:
Because of the controversy, school officials decided to change Wednesday from [Cross-Dressing] Day to Camouflage Day, in what Hunt described as a reference to the clothing hunters wear during deer-hunting season, which is going on now and is enormously popular in rural Texas.
There we go, that’s a much better role-playing example for our kids; let’s let ’em emulate gun-totin’ hunters! Guns ‘n’ school, there’s two concepts that go together!
Sheesh. I can’t remember a year in junior high or high school where there wasn’t a pep assembly skit of the cheerleaders dressed as football players and football players dressed as cheerleaders. I have no data on how many of them turned out to be gay or lesbian. However, I do know that none of my school friends who were gay ever participated in a cross-dressing day, but I as a straight man did.