Longtime Writ faithful may remember a time not so long ago when I was called out by Fox News columnist and conservative (libertarian? federalist? you tell me) blogger Radley Balko (read the details here, it involved GannyGuck.)
But Mr. Balko, in his blog, The Agitator, has been splendid in his coverage of the Raich v. Gonzalez decision, and has offered up this challenge:
Consider this a challenge. If you blogged about Raich today, give us at least three posts a week for the next three months aimed at making Hinchey-Rohrabacher and the Truth in Trials Act law. Let’s find out what Congressmen are standing in either bill’s way. Let’s shame them. Let’s pursuade those on the fence to come down off of it. If you lean Republican, and your Congressman is a GOPer who has voted against bills like these, explain their hypocrisy to them. Ask them what happened to federalism, the Tenth Amendment, and the right of states to set their own rules and policies when it comes to medical treatment.
I’m sure there are other bills that would do some good, too (if you feel any of them deserve passage ahead of the two I’ve mentioned, post why, and maybe we’ll change the goal). But we’ll start with these. Three posts per week.
Let’s make John Walter’s job really, really difficult.
Mr. Balko, I accept your challenge. (I’ve also e-mailed him, to let him know that even though we’ve disagreed in the past, I appreciate his views and support on this issue.)