Adam has a post up where he says:
The Dems have got some serious problems. Primary among them is that they can’t tell the difference between a war we’re winning and a war we’re losing and they desperately want us to lose.
And you just know I can’t let stuff like that slide without a comment:
In order to win a war, you need to have an objective to accomplish. One is usually enough, but the shifting sands of Bushworld have given us so many! Let’s see what we’ve accomplished:
- Discovered that the WMD’s we went to war over did not exist
- Failed to secure hundreds of thousands of tons of munitions that we knew did exist (but the oil ministry was secured immediately)
- Turned a country with no terrorist support (according to State Dept. prior to 2003) to one chock full o’ terrorists
- Disbanded the Iraqi Army, leading to chaos and looting
- Wasted billions of taxpayer money with no-bid Halliburton contracts riddled with war profiteering and fraud
- Removed the dictator Saddam Hussein from power (a good thing no matter how you slice it… but maybe we should have never installed him into power in the first place)
- Liberated the Iraqi people from Saddam’s murderous, torturous prisons and rape rooms, so we could handle that work ourselves at Abu Ghraib
- Driven world — and especially Muslim — opinion against us
- Allowed American contractor companies to run hog wild by protecting them from prosecution for any potetential misdeeds
- Created morale problems for the military through stop-loss, combat pay cuts, lack of ammo and armor, veterans care cuts, and working side-by-side with contractors who make 5x-10x more than soldiers performing the same jobs
- Fulfilled Osama bin Laden’s (remember him?) wildest dreams by proving his prediction (The US wants to invade Arab countries, slaughter Muslims, and steal their oil) true, raising his status in extremist’s eyes and leading to easier terrorist recruitment
- Bringing democracy to Iraqi’s (one of those free and fair elections where wide swaths of the country didn’t vote and one of three major religious groups boycotted) who have elected a pro-Iranian government
- alienated our traditional allies
- strung together a half-hearted “coalition” whose members continue to bail out on us, most recently Italy and Ukraine (but we’ve still got Poland, I didn’t forget Poland)
- and, oh yeah, gotten 1,524 soldiers killed, 12,000+ seriously wounded, thousands more psychologically scarred, tens (or hundreds) or thousands of Iraqis killed or seriously wounded, and $157+B (and counting) spent to date
If the goals were to lie to America, bankrupt the Treasury, stretch the military to the breaking point, help Osama recruit, turn Iraq into a well-armed terrorist hotbed, decimate our civil liberties, and enrich Halliburton, well then, Mission Accomplished!
To say we anti-war Dems want America “to lose” this war is ridiculous. This war was a “lose/lose” proposition to begin with. We never wanted to start losing in the first place. We want us to stop losing — lives, money, world opinion, liberties — stop losing any more.