After reading an article of mine, a friend of mine replied:
Ever bother with the psychological dogma of a conservative mind-set? Everything from the self-absorbed me-ism to the blinding commitment to a Fascist Regime – For GOD And Country!
When I think of conservatives, the following concepts come to mind:
Liberals think of America like an adult thinks of their parents; Conservatives think of America like a four-year-old thinks of their parents. When you’re an adult, you still love your parents, but you realize they’re human and have faults. But a four-year-old thinks their parents are perfect and could never tolerate anyone’s criticism of their mommy and daddy. This is exemplified in conservative foreign policy (“My daddy can whup your daddy!”)
Liberals think in first person plural; Conservatives think in first person singular. To a conservative, everything is filtered through the lens of “us-vs.-them”. To a liberal, there’s no “them”, only different factions of “us”.
Conservatives have huge empathy problems. They live by the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” approach, failing to realize that not only did the entire society create the conditions that gave them their boots in the first place, but also that not everyone was lucky enough to be born with a pair of boots.
Conservatives worship commerce and the dollar. They believe (not entirely wrong-headedly) that business is the greatest good in society; that it provides the jobs for the people and it leads to greater prosperity for all. Liberals understand this, but they also understand that business, particularly corporations, are like living creatures that left unchecked will consume every resource available and kill anything that threatens their survival.
Conservatives look at Government with the same frame: the strict father approach. There’s no ambiguity, no quibbling. What daddy says goes. Daddy will set strict rules for everyone to live by and severely punish anyone who deviates from the standard. Liberals look at Government more like a nurturing mother. Mommy supports and feeds us all, gives us some general wisdom and guidance, but allows us to go forth, make mistakes, learn from them, discover our unique place in the world, and learn what is right and wrong both individually and collectively.
Finally, Conservatives look at God and religion like they look at professional sports. You gotta be on the right “God-team”. Our team is the best and we will defeat your team. There is no questioning or doubting the team. The leaders of the team will tell us what plays to run and we will not question them, for to do so is to let down the team. Liberals look at God and religion more like Boy Scouts. Sure, there’s our troop and your troop and there’s troops overseas. We wear slightly different scout uniforms and some of our traditions are a bit different. But we’re all more alike than we are different and deep down, we’re all Boy Scouts.
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