More info on President Bush’s latest favorite adulterer / sexually-exploiting counselor, Mike Hintz (see pictures and post below). Here’s Bush’s speech in Iowa that recognized Hintz:
“One of those families is the Hintz family, from Clive, Iowa. Thank you all for coming. (Applause.)
“It’s a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they’re with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it’s their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.) Theirs is a typical story. See, last year they received a child tax credit check for $1,600 for their four children. And under all the tax relief we’ve passed, they saved about $2,800 last year. With this extra money they bought a wood-burning stove to reduce their home heating costs. They made a decision for their family.
“They also made home repairs and improvements. They took the family on a vacation to Minnesota. Next year when you get your check, you may want to come to Texas. (Laughter.) Without the tax bill I’m signing today, the Hintzes would have paid $1,200 more in federal taxes next year. Think about that. Here’s a family of four, working hard to raise their kids, the money would have been going out of their pocket. I believe they can spend that $1,200 better than the federal government can.” (Applause.)
Did you spot the Bush Math? Husband + Wife + Four Children = Family of Four. No wonder he turned a budget surplus into a budget deficit; the man can’t add to six!
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