I see we agree on some things. I vote for bi-partisanship in general.
I’m not as hip about bipartisanship. If one partisan side is right and the other is wrong then giving in to bipartisanship is to betray the truth. For (a silly) example: suppose the Democrats are saying that the sky is blue and Republicans are saying the sky is red — should we compromise and say the sky is purple?
I think our next topic for discussion should be the 9-11 commission report.
A perfect example of how bipartisanship waters down the truth. It’s all written in that passive-voice “mistakes-were-made” language and doesn’t come out and place responsibility with anyone!
…and take the findings to heart and realize that all previous administrations are at fault and America was and still is unprepared to defend ourselves from terrorists.
See what I mean? To conclude that Clinton and Bush were equally at fault with respect to 9/11 is ludicrous!
Clinton’s Administration made terrorism a high priority in the Justice Department; John Ashcroft said “he didn’t want to hear any more” about terrorism and made it a lower priority.
Clinton’s Administration foiled the 1999 New Year’s bombing plot; Bush ignored a memo entitled “Bin Laden determined to attack inside United States.”
Clinton tried to mount an offensive against the terrorists by bombing a cell in Sudan; Republicans cried out that it was a “wag the dog” moment meant to distract us from Monica.
Clinton had FBI terrorism expert John O’Neill on the case in Yemen, prepared to make a breakthrough in the USS Cole bombing; Bush had his buddy, the US ambassador to Yemen, revoke O’Neill and his team’s visas to Yemen to squash the investigation.
Could 9/11 have happened if Clinton/Gore were in office? It’s impossible to predict. But if an act of terrorism happens on your watch, it’s your responsibility. Aside from Richard Clarke, no one has come forth to apologize or take responsibility for the failures that led to 9/11. The GOP can’t have it both ways. They’re fond of pointing out Carter’s failures that led to the hostages in Iran — if that’s Jimmy’s fault then 9/11 is George’s fault.
There is no doubt in my mind we will see another large scale terrorist attack within the next year….
Again, Bush trying to have it both ways. I see him in speech after speech saying “America is safer” and “the World is safer” after invading Iraq, yet we keep getting Tom Ridge saying “there’s going to be a major attack.” Which is it? Are we safer or not?
P.S. I’m sure you have probably seen it but I thought you might get a kick out of the Michael Moore section of the website: www.scaryjohnkerry.com/moore.htm
Oh, I got a kick out of it, all right. There’s nothing like taking a bunch of quotes out of context to paint Michael Moore as anti-American, then morphing Democratic leaders love of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and refusal to hate Michael Moore into endorsement of all of the out-of-context quotes. Brilliant!
“Radical” Russ — still waiting for anyone to give me three good reasons to vote for George W. Bush…
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