Sheesh, remember the good ol’ days when presidents just lied about oral sex from interns?
The depths to which this misAdministration will sink have no bounds. Thanks to TiVo, I’m able to record Meet the Press, Face the Nation, 60 Minutes, Nightline, and all of the 9/11 Commission hearings, presidential news conferences, and every other Bush Admin official speech and press conference.
When the Shrubster said he was tired of “swatting flies”, I’ll bet he wasn’t talking about having to fend off revelation after revelation from Woodward, Clarke, O’Neill, and every PDB, memo, and leak coming from the White(Wash) house. Every day there’s a new explanation from Condi (Rope-a-Dope) Rice about what “we meant to say”, “in the context of”, “based on our knowledge” and so on.
I may be just a simple boy from Idaho, but where I come from we call them LIES. You lied about WMD’s to sex-up the rationale for invading Iraq. You lied about the cost of the Medicare Bill. You lied about Saddam’s connection to 9/11. You lied about not wanting to invade Iraq from Day One of your tenure. Lie lie lie lie!
Second only to the lies are this misAdministration’s arrogance, secrecy, and cronyism. Bush won’t testify in front of the 9/11 Commission by himself, he’s got to go with Puppetmaster Cheney. And that was negotiated as a deal just to get Condi to testify!
When asked about that in his press conference, he replied, “we want to be able to answer the questions of the commission.” When the reporter reiterated that his question was, “yeah, but why both of you at once?” he replied with the same answer, but with that tone of voice that said “we want to answer the commission’s question. . . DUH!”
When he was asked about how after US & UK, contractors (read:mercenaries) are the highest contingent of boots on the ground, Bush came back and insinuated that the reporter was questioning the bravery of the other coalition members. No, George, we just want to know why Halliburton has more soldiers there than Denmark.
How can anyone in their right mind vote for Bush this November? Oh, yeah, right, because otherwise queers might get married. . .
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