Adam’s Blog – Correcting the Left
I decided to go on a rampage over at Adam’s place. I’ve got to give him credit though, he did add a link to the Writ in his Blogroll. I have returned the favor (look over there in “The Right Wing”). Snippets of his post and my counterpoint:
On the same page, there were attacks on Brandi Swindell for going down to Florida. What really bugs leftists about Ms. Swindell is what she represents. Polls are showing that the younger generation is trending pro-life. She represents the coming defeat for a culture of death as a new generation embraces the sanctity of human life.
The younger generation has been blessed to live their entire lives without exposure to the horrors of criminalized abortion. Pro-choice is the status quo and all youngsters tend toward rebellion against that. Give ’em a decade or two of seeing their classmates mutilated or killed by back-alley butchers and we’ll take another poll
The moral contortions one must make to be anti-abortion, pro-death-penalty, anti-gun-control, and pro-war would make one eligible for advanced philosophical yoga.