A Google bomb or Google wash is an attempt to influence the ranking of a given site in results returned by the Google search engine. Due to the way that Google’s PageRank algorithm works, a website will be ranked higher if the sites that link to that page all use consistent anchor text. Googlebomb is used both as a verb and a noun.
I have placed my Downing Street Memo Google Bomb in the hidden portion of this post. This will aid in placing Greg Palast’s article on the “smoking gun” for the impeachment of George W. Bush toward the top of Google’s results when searching for any of the relevant terms.
Wonder if it can work? Try Googling for “Santorum” some time. That’s the name of the senator from Pennsylvania famous for his anti-gay crusades. Gay activists managed to Google bomb his last name into… well, let’s just call it a description of something filthy.
Downing Street Memo
Rycroft Memo
George W Bush
Iraq war