George W. Bush’s love of the bald male head – from JuliusBlog.
I shave my male-pattern-balding scalp from time to time. When it’s bald, I’m shocked when some other dude feels the need to touch my head. I instinctively either knock their hands away with an effective Wing Chun motion, or I reach out and mess up the hair on their heads. I suppose both actions would get me some Secret Service attention, so I’ll avoid being around Bush for now (shouldn’t be hard since I’m too allergic to loyalty oaths to attend a “town hall” meeting and have too much journalism and too little gay male hooker experience to be in the press corps.)
A truly bald buddy of mine says a man’s bald head should get the same treatment as a woman’s breasts. We understand they’re both interesting to look at, but you just don’t go reaching out and touching them without permission.