New Amendment Used In Defense Against Domestic Violence Charges:
Some attorneys are attempting to use Ohio’s new gay marriage amendment to defend unmarried clients against domestic violence charges.
The constitutional amendment took effect on December first. It denies legal status to unmarried couples.
In at least two cases last week, the Cuyahoga County public defender’s office has asked a judge to dismiss domestic-violence charges against unmarried defendants. The attorneys in the two cases argue that the charges violate the amendment by affording marriage-like legal status to unmarried victims who live with the people accused of attacking them.
Great work, hypoChristians of Ohio! You managed to deny legal status to all unmarried couples in your successful attempt to prevent queers from getting married, and in the process also managed to abolish protections for those ungodly heathens who choose to “live in sin”. Smiting sodomites and fornicators with one overhyped wedge-issue constitutional amendment, why, that’s just ruthlessly efficient if you ask me.
I also hear that the amendment repeals any sort of private company benefit for unmarried couples or gay couples as well. The huge corporations will lose their best talent to more queer-friendly and 21st-century states, and surely the corporations will relocate outside Ohio in pursuit of the talent. Great work! Now the white collar sodomites and fornicators can take their place in the unemployment line with all the blue collar workers who lost their Ohio manufacturing jobs years ago.
I wanted to write something snarky about reaping and sowing, but now I’ve decided to just watch the fallout of the Great Culture War and enjoy seeing Ohio turn blue in 2008.