Whaddaya know, somebody’s actually reading this stuff! A visitor to the Writ asks:
Hey Russ – – excellent website and great, hard-hitting columns! I was wondering if you have a preference yet as to who the Democrats should nominate for president in 2008?
Or better yet, any specific people who you think they SHOULDN’T nominate?
I think for 2008 the Democratic Party ought to nominate a Democrat. I think not Hillary Clinton (yet) or Barack Obama (yet… but Clinton/Obama 2016 gives me pause…) Right now I’m just hoping for Dean to lead the DNC. Then we need to cobble together a Frankenstein candidate: the liberal passion of Kucinich, the oratorical and religious skills of Sharpton, the sharp mind of Clark, the good looks and charm of Edwards, the populism of Michael Moore, the sincerity of Jimmy Carter, and the political gravitas of John Kerry (who would’ve won if he hadn’t been listening to seven-time political campaign losers like Bob Shrum and instead just let his true 1971 Vietnam Veterans Against The War self shine through).
If I had to put together a ticket based on who I like at this moment, it would be Senator Barbara Boxer and Governor Bill Richardson. Imagine the campaign tagline: “Old white guys have been running this country for 232 years.. let’s try something different!” Or how about this: Al Gore and John Kerry. It could be the “I told you so” campaign. Or maybe the “Third time’s a charm” campaign. OK, so none of these ideas are realistic, but they’re fun.
Who not to nominate? Joe Lieberman.
“Radical” Russ — 2008 is a political lifetime away. Concentrate on 2006 and the House and Senate seats that are vulnerable…
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