I have been blogging online since before there were blogs. I continue blogging from time to time on various subjects here and as much of my past blogging as I've been able to recover is found here as well.
Despite cries of “what about the children?” teen drug use has plummeted since marijuana has been legalized for adults, according to the annual Monitoring the Future Survey conducted since 1975.
You think the 22nd Amendment protects us from Donald Trump serving more than two terms in office? Let me tell you about the “Eligible Vice President Loophole.”
Marijuana shops were declared essential early on, our rental cabins also never had to close, so there hasn’t really been much change to my day-to-day working life in this crisis.
The reason you don’t hear from voters on the issue is because the Idaho legislature in 2013 declared marijuana shall never be legal, even for medical use, and because in 2015 the governor became the first and only to veto legalization of CBD oil for epileptic kids.
“In man it is unlikely that Δ 9-THC plasma concentrations elevated enough to produce such acute toxic effects, could be reached after ingestion of cannabis preparations.” – Dr. Gabriel Nahas, 1972 report to UNODC.
With more and smaller districts blunting the impact of partisan gerrymandering and having members work from their home districts, more responsive to local issues and fewer constituents, less imposed upon by lobbyists, less shackled to always dialing for dollars, working longer weeks and making our selection of president more fair, there’s plenty of compelling reasons to adopt the principles of proportional representation set forth by our Founding Fathers.
Assembling an armed force cannot be a peaceable assembly. The presence of guns establishes that the ultimate say rests with the armed, rather than the side with the best arguments and most votes.
For half a million dollars, Idaho could have been the next medical marijuana state. Making the ballot has always been the only question, as polls have consistently shown about three-in-four Idahoans are for it.
In 2020, we’ve got the choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. You can pretend you can win, Rep. Amash, you can put your name on the ballot, you can even win some votes, but either Donald Trump or Joe Biden will be the president come 2021.