Republicans run on the concept that government is the problem, government is dysfunctional, government can’t work, and then they get elected and prove it.
Now that Republicans have succeeded in overturning Roe v. Wade and establishing abortion bans in most of the red states, they’re concerned that being “pro-life” is going to abort their chances of re-election, so they want to re-brand as “pro-baby.”
I often hear folks say Republicans and Democrats are “two wings of the same bird” or “two sides of the same coin.” I demonstrate the statistics and policies to show how only one side of the coin makes us more coin and only one bird is shitting all over minorities.
Of course! It’s all the gubmint’s fault for handing out free formula and diapers to those poor single moms! Yeah, WIC checks and food stamps, that’s why those men are sticking their unprotected baby maker in those young fertile wombs and then abandoning their parental responsibility.
I was stunned, but not shocked. I’ve grown up among these people. This result was inevitable. I’m only surprised it’s taken until 2021 for this festering boil of unaddressed racism and willful ignorance to finally erupt in open treason.