Once again, an Angry Black Bitch has a way with words:
When this bitch looks at the looting and the apparent inability of public officials to address it, my ass remembers the early days of the Iraq war.
When this bitch heard that attacks against troops moving victims from New Orleans to Houston, my ass was taken back to the first wave of the insurgency in Iraq.
Is this a rebellion, a militant uprising? Or is it the product of chaos, fear, historical oppression and a government unable to hold it’s shit together?
This bitch thinks it’s the latter, but why get logical now when the lack of logic hasn’t burned your ass so far? If we follow “Scooter logic”, we should blame the whole mess on Mexico, claim they have the ability to manufacture hurricanes in a lab, produce diagrams to show such a hurricane manufacturing process and invade Mexico after the rest of the world calls us crazy. Then, after it is proven they didn’t manufacture the hurricane, Scooter would trench in and plea with us to “stay the course”. Meanwhile, the hurricane damage would be left half cleaned up, Mexicans would rise up against us and be labeled an insurgency and Scooter would then use that insurgency as a justification to… all together now… stay the course!