It’s the literal meaning of life, if you get down to it (heh heh). My views on the evolving politics of sexuality, eroticism, gender, feminism, and censorship.
With it’s abortion bans, abortion trafficking ban, abortion bounties, faith-healing child abuse exemption and more, Idaho is the state voted Most Likely to Become Gilead in my latest poll of me.
Now that Republicans have succeeded in overturning Roe v. Wade and establishing abortion bans in most of the red states, they’re concerned that being “pro-life” is going to abort their chances of re-election, so they want to re-brand as “pro-baby.”
Alabama and Idaho want to prosecute women who obtain abortions in other states. I explain how that sounds a bit like the case of Dred Scott, the Black man who escaped his enslavement and moved to a free state, only to be returned by a Supreme Court that declared him property.
Of course! It’s all the gubmint’s fault for handing out free formula and diapers to those poor single moms! Yeah, WIC checks and food stamps, that’s why those men are sticking their unprotected baby maker in those young fertile wombs and then abandoning their parental responsibility.
That means if incestuously pregnant teenage daughter wants an abortion, she has to report her incestuous rape by daddy to the police. Which could be complicated by, oh, I don’t know, say an incestuous abusive daddy that tells daughter to keep a secret or else he’ll kill the whole family with the Idaho-beloved AR-15 he keeps lovingly displayed on the wall.
Not only is the public prohibition of showing female breasts antiquated and downright Puritan by European standards, (especially at a swimming pool), it’s sexist. That trans man lifeguard with the exposed boobies would probably rescue someday a fat-ass male with bigger boobies than he.
Marijuana Movement Dodges Sexual Harassment Consequences Recently, Marijuana Policy Project announced that their founding executive director, Rob Kampia, would be